How's Your Child's Vision? 8 Signs To Watch For

While many parents are quick to blame the teacher, problems at school with your child may have nothing to do with the teacher. In fact, it may be due to a vision problem. Many children who have vision issues are actually diagnosed with a learning disability, such ADHD or ADD. However, this is often inaccurate. A thorough eye exam can tell you for sure if it is a vision problem or if the problem lies elsewhere. Here are eight signs that may mean your child has a vision problem:

  1. Tilting of the Head – If you notice your child tilting their head when they are reading a book or magazine, it may be a sign that there is a muscle imbalance in the eyes.
  2. Often Loses Their Place – When your child is reading, if you notice that they lose their place or tend to skip lines, it may be an astigmatism.
  3. Lazy Eye or Crossed Eyes – Your child's eyes must work together as a team. If they aren't, then your child will have difficult reading until the issue has been corrected.
  4. Light Sensitivity – If your child is sensitive to bright lights and tends to close one eye when in a bright environment, then your child may have a type of straismus known as exotropia, which is a misalignment of the eyes.
  5. Frequent Headaches – If your child has been complaining about headaches at the front of their head, then this may be the body's natural response to blurry vision.
  6. Dislikes Reading – Although not always the case, if you child hates to read and wants to avoid it all possible costs, then there may be a vision problem. The vision issue is what is keeping your child from wanting to read because it's difficult.
  7. Copying Errors – If you notice that your child has a lot of errors when they are copying text from one page to another page, then it could be a vision issue.
  8. Easily Distracted – If your child has problems paying attention, it could be a learning disability or ADHD. At the same time, it could also be a vision problem that is keeping them from seeing their work, which then results in them getting restless.

In some cases, the symptoms of eye disorders are similar to that of a reading or learning disability. For that reason, it is important that you take your child to the optometrist regularly for eye exams. This will help ensure that vision problems are caught early on before they have too much time to develop, which makes it easier to treat the issue. If you've noticed any of the aforementioned signs in your child, make an appointment for a comprehensive eye exam as soon as possible.   To learn more, visit Optique Boutique
