Improve Core Strength With Physical Therapy To Alleviate Back Pain

Although back pain can have a number of causes, an excellent way to keep your body strong is to improve your core strength. When you go to physical therapy for back pain, many of the exercises you learn are designed with your core strength in mind.

Improved Core Strength Increases Flexibility

Core strength training involves strengthening your back, stomach and pelvic muscles. When these muscles are strong, you experience an increase in your flexibility. Being flexible keeps your range of motion at top capacity and allows you to live an active life. With careful stretching and specific exercise techniques, physical therapy will help you gain range of motion and increase your ability to exercise on a regular basis.

Posture is Enhanced with Solid Core Strength Training

Posture is important, and many people suffer from back pain because of poor posture. Strength training improves your posture, and reduces pain that is caused from the misuse of your muscles. One excellent exercise you can do on your own is to swim regularly. When you are swimming, your core muscles are strengthening and your back's posture is good. Swimming is a non weight bearing exercise that is good for people experiences significant pain and unable to exercise otherwise.

Spinal Alignment is Restored with Improved Core Strength

When your spine is properly aligned, you feel less pain. Good alignment can be achieved with a combination of physical therapy techniques, exercise, and gentle stretching. When your core is strong, your back can maintain proper alignment. 

If you are in significant pain, you have to take rehabilitation slowly. The worst thing you can do for back pain is to workout too hard. It's important to learn the right techniques from a physical therapist, because the wrong exercises can increase your back pain and make recovery more difficult.

At home treatment for back pain includes gentle stretching, resting, and ice or heat. In the first 24 hours of a new back injury, ice is recommended. After the first 24 hours, most patients prefer to use heat on a back injury. If your injury involves severe, stabbing pain, numbness and tingling, or a loss of bowel control, this indicates a back emergency.

Understand that your back pain is not going to go away overnight. Be careful as you begin your rehabilitation process and follow the prescribed exercises from your physical therapist with clinics such as Coronation Physiotherapy. Take the time you need to get your back strong again.
