Do You Knead A Massage?

Massage has been around for centuries, and over that time period many different styles and applications have been discovered. This means that if you feel like you need a massage, one massage option is not as good as all the others. The best way to find release from pain is to choose the right massage for your needs. Understanding different massage techniques will help you to choose the right approach to target the type of pain that you feel. [Read More]

How To Help Ensure Your Child's First Pair Of Glasses Will Continue To Have Good Lenses

When children have to get glasses at a young age, they often end up damaging both the frames and the lenses due to their active lives (and in some cases, their carelessness). Some eyeglasses lenses can be very costly – often more than the frames themselves, in fact. Here are some tips to help both parents and their children with glasses get and care for the right lenses, so the kids can see clearly and so their glasses will last longer. [Read More]

New To Wearing Hearing Aids? Tips For Adjusting

Adjusting to wearing hearing aids can be a struggle for anyone. Most people will need a short period of time to adjust, especially if they have been dealing with hearing loss for an extended period of time. While adjusting to hearing new sounds is expected, they will also have to adjust to physically wearing the hearing aid. Learning how to speak at a comfortable level will also be a part of the adjustment process, especially if a person has gotten used to speaking loudly so they can hear themselves. [Read More]

Improve Core Strength With Physical Therapy To Alleviate Back Pain

Although back pain can have a number of causes, an excellent way to keep your body strong is to improve your core strength. When you go to physical therapy for back pain, many of the exercises you learn are designed with your core strength in mind. Improved Core Strength Increases Flexibility Core strength training involves strengthening your back, stomach and pelvic muscles. When these muscles are strong, you experience an increase in your flexibility. [Read More]